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Backpacking Gear for Beginners: Part 2: Clothing

Welcome to Backpacking Gear for Beginners part 2. In Part 1 we discussed the best way to go about choosing footwear, which was pretty subjective and based on preference and the types of terrain you’ll encounter. This time we are going to discuss a backpacking layering system for clothing. As always, if you want quick and easy information just look for “The Quick and Dirty” and keep reading the Nuts and Bolts for more details!
Continue reading “Backpacking Gear for Beginners: Part 2: Clothing”

Backpacking Gear for Beginners: Part 1: Introduction and Footwear

Welcome to my beginners backpacking gear series! In each episode, I’ll be discussing each gear item needed for backpacking in depth. I will also provide some of my favorite brands and recommendations on what to buy. If you want quick and dirty advice just scroll down until you see “The Quick and Dirty” in bold and ignore the rest. If you want details and my reasoning keep on reading the Nuts and Bolts!

Thanks for reading and I hope you find what you’re looking for!

Continue reading “Backpacking Gear for Beginners: Part 1: Introduction and Footwear”

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